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Buku Fisiologi Tumbuhan - Maria Duca

Informasi Buku

Penulis: Maria Duca
Judul: Plant Physiology
Tahun Publikasi: 2015
Tempat: Cham, Switzerland
Penerbit: Springer International Publishing
ISBN (e-book): 978-3-319-17909-4 
Ukuran Berkas: 14,1 MB

Unduh Buku Fisiologi Tumbuhan - Plant Physiology - Maria Duca format .pdf di bawah ini

1. Introduction to the Educational Course of Plant Physiology
2. Plant Cell Physiology
3. Water Regime
4. Photosynthesis
5. Plant Respiration
6. Mineral Nutrition of Plants
7. Plant Growth and Development
8. Plant Biorhythms
9. Elimination of Substances in Plants
10. Physiology of Plant Resistance to Unfavorable Environmental Factors

Beberapa Contoh Penulisan Sitasi dan Referensi 
(mohon digunakan dengan bijak dan cek kembali tautan berikut)

APA 6th Style (baca lengkap disini): 
(Duca, 2015)
Duca, M. (2015). Plant Physiology. Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing.

Harvard Style (baca lengkap disini): 
(Duca, 2015, p. 57)
Duca, M. (2015) Plant Physiology. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Cara penulisan referensi lainnya: []

Unduh Buku Fisiologi Tumbuhan - Plant Physiology - Maria Duca format .pdf di bawah ini

Profil Penulis: Maria Duca

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